Chemical peels use mild acids to renew the skin and reveal an improved complexion underneath. It is ideal for diminishing fine lines and wrinkles, improving the texture of the skin, evening out areas of discoloration, reducing redness, or clearing up acne.

How It Works

Chemical peels are ideal for diminishing fine lines and wrinkles, improving the texture of the skin, evening out areas of discoloration, reducing redness, or clearing up acne. The Medical Skin Clinic uses SkinCeuticals and VI Peel™ to help improve the appearance of your skin.

There are three basic levels of chemical peels: light, medium, and deep. Light chemical peels typically use alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) to soften fine lines and treat brown spots caused by sun damage. Medium peels usually contain trichloroacetic acid (TCA). This substance can treat moderate wrinkles, acne and acne scars, and pigmentation issues. Deep peels are used to address deep wrinkles, extensive sun damage, and severe acne scarring.

Once a treatment plan has been created, your skin will be cleansed and prepared. The chemical solution will be applied to your face and neck and left on your skin for a prescribed amount of time. You may feel a tingling sensation during a light or medium peel, or a burning sensation during a deep peel. Peels are done in a variety of ways; some are neutralized and removed while others are self-neutralizing.

Why We Love It!

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Chemical Peels
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Results and recovery

After a light peel, your skin will be pink and sensitive, but you will be able to return to your regular activities immediately. The recovery period after a medium or deep will be longer. You may experience some discomfort after a deep chemical peel. You will be informed of any aftercare instructions before your treatment. Following these instructions carefully and protecting your skin from the sun is necessary to achieve optimal results and maintain your newly refreshed complexion. Depending on the depth of your peel, it can take up to several weeks for you to see your final results. The texture of your skin will be smoother, fine lines and wrinkles will be softened, and acne and acne scarring will be reduced or eliminated.

Types of Chemical Peels





Before & After

Questions? We’ve Got Answers:

After a light peel, your skin will be pink and sensitive, but you will be able to return to your regular activities immediately. The recovery period after a medium or deep will be longer. You may experience some discomfort after a deep chemical peel. You will be informed of any aftercare instructions before your treatment. Following these instructions carefully and protecting your skin from the sun is necessary to achieve optimal results and maintain your newly refreshed complexion.

Once a treatment plan has been created, your skin will be cleansed and prepared. The chemical solution will be applied to your face and neck and left on your skin for a prescribed amount of time. You may feel a tingling sensation during a light or medium peel, or a burning sensation during a deep peel. Peels are done in a variety of ways; some are neutralized and removed while others are self-neutralizing.

Depending on the depth of your peel, it can take up to several weeks for you to see your final results. The texture of your skin will be smoother, fine lines and wrinkles will be softened, and acne and acne scarring will be reduced or eliminated.